Designed Owned And operated by Ivan Goodchild
Concorde 1/14th scale scratch design Auw 32lbs 5M fuselage 2.5M wing span DS94 Ducted fans 14lbs trust each
Motors Lehner 2030/13 Batteries 10S 6100mA lipos Radio Futaba 2.4 ghz with gyro on ailerons Transmitter Futaba 12FX Full retracts and nose droop mechanism
This project has now completed its test flights. Original flights were carried out with the model in grey primer as it was a very unknown project and the team were not sure how well it would fly. Once the initial problems with the CG were sorted out the model flew extremely well and it was clear the model was a winner. Encouraged by the success of the test flights the model has now been finished and painted in scale colours
Video's at Bottom of page. |
Close-up of Concordes Nose Drooping system